Widia Astuti



This study aims to identify and describe (1) Forms of phonological errors of changes in the pronunciation of phonemes uttered by presenters and resource person, (2) Forms of phonological errors of omission of phonemes pronounced by presenters and speakers, and (3) Forms of phonological errors of addition of phonemes spoken by the presenter and resource person on the Tonight Show Premiere program entitled "Jang Hansol Is Korean But Medok?" on YouTube Media. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, which is a research by showing it in detail, clearly and completely. In this study, researchers identified and analyzed forms of phonological errors. The data collection techniques in this study were documentation techniques, listening techniques, and note-taking techniques because the data to be examined was in the form of videos which were considered in accordance with the studies and theories used with the stages of identification, classification, then followed by a description based on the research objectives, namely to find out the phonological errors uttered by the presenter and resource person at the event. The results of this study found three categories of phonological errors as many as 40 data, namely errors in changing the pronunciation of phonemes as many as 18 data for example words: diem, inget, jowo, maen, dan temen. Phoneme omission phonological errors as many as 11 data examples of words: abis, tu, kalo, moon, and ijo. Phonological errors adding phonemes as many as 11 data, for example, the words: sueger, gilak, sukak, cuma, and jugak. The most dominant error that occurred in this study was the error in changing the phoneme pronunciation.

Keywords: Phonological. Show Tonight Premiere, Youtube

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