This community dedication is motivated by the problem of early childhood ability in calculating at the beginning which is still low and the lack of interest of children in learning to count as well as the lack of children's creativity in everything. This activity was carried out at Paud Ar-Ridho, located in Rawang Village, precisely on Jalan Lorong Karkas Rawang Pasara V. The activity was carried out by demonstrating how to count quickly with Jarimatika and facilitating children to learn to color. By holding this activity, it is hoped that the children of Paud Ar-Rihda can improve their thinking patterns and self-confidence in early childhood. As well as fostering creativity and imagination in early childhood. It is also hoped that this activity will improve the quality of education at Paud Ar-Ridha. The results of this activity are improving children's ability to count, adding insight, and the knowledge they get when coloring increases children's creativity at Paud Ar-Ridha.
Keywords: Creativity, Coloring, Quick count
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