Direct causes (Direct Obsetric Death) maternal death caused by obstetric complications during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, or death caused by an action, or various things that occur as a result of actions taken during pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium are closely related to factors that support childbirth and the place of delivery facilities.
For primigravida mothers (first-time pregnant women) pregnancy is the first experience in their period of life, the situation can cause drastic changes both physically and psychologically. Several circumstances can occur to mothers in childbirth, especially for mothers who are giving birth for the first time, the psychological changes in question are feelings of discomfort, fear and doubt about the delivery that will be faced, mothers in the face of childbirth often think, among others, whether childbirth will walking normally, considering childbirth as a trial, whether the birth attendant can be patient and wise in helping her, whether the baby is normal or not, whether the mother is able to care for her baby, and the mother feels anxious. This is supported by the results of Darmayanti's research which shows that 80% of pregnant women experience worry, anxiety, anxiety, fear and anxiety in dealing with their pregnancy. The feelings that arise are related to the condition of the fetus being conceived, the strength and anxiety in the face of childbirth, as well as the physical and psychological changes that occur.
Anxiety in pregnant women can arise, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy until delivery arrives. During this period, pregnant women feel anxious about various things such as normal or abnormal birth of a baby, pain that will be felt, and so on. The thing that can reduce the anxiety of pregnant women when facing the delivery process is assistance by the husband or family. With this assistance, pregnant women can provide attention, feel safe, comfortable, enthusiastic and reassure the hearts and minds of the pregnant women, so that they can reduce the anxiety and emotional attitude of the mother for the better and can shorten the delivery process.
Keywords: SEFT, Hypertension, therapy
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