Pengenalan Pengunaan Laboratorium Microteaching Pada Guru SD Se – Kabupaten Asahan Di Era Industri 4.0

Anim Anim, Khairun Nisa


Community service activities carried out at elementary school teachers in Asahan Regency to introduce learning technology in the revolutionary 4.0 era using microteaching laboratories. By introducing this laboratory to elementary school teachers, it is hoped that it can improve the knowledge and creativity of teachers in teaching and learning activities in today's digital era. This laboratory can be used for all subjects so that each teacher can use the laboratory. The purpose of this activity is to introduce microteaching laboratories for elementary school teachers in Asahan Regency in order to increase teaching creativity. The stages of this service are carried out in three cups. First, introduce the tools available in the laboratory. Second, demonstrating the use of laboratories, Third, inviting teachers to use the microteaching laboratory directly. This article was published in a local journal with the publication Anadara entitled "Introduction to the Use of Microteaching Laboratories in Asahan District Elementary School Teachers in the Industrial  4.0".

Keywordsmicroteaching laboratory, teacher

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