Sosialisasi Tentang Pergeseran Paradigma Konsumsi Nutrien Oleh Manusia Dari Empat Sehat Lima Sempunrna Menuju Gizi Seimbang Pada Masyarakat Nasipanaf Di Kelurahan Penfui, Kota Kupang

Eduardus Johanes Eduk, Lukas Seran, Rikardus Herak, Hildegardis Missa


Health problems in Indonesia that continue to grow forcing the emergence of policies related to health that regulates many aspects, including diet. The Healthy Four Perfect Five program that was previously promoted by the government was deemed inappropriate and could be misleading, because the food guidelines provided could actually become unhealthy if the portions and nutrition were not balanced. After participating in socialization activities, various forms of community responses emerged, such as, 1) so far they did not realize that struke, diabetes and other nutritional deficiencies occurred not because of incorrect food consumption patterns, 2) the consequences of understanding from the first point, namely they will consume nutritious foods with the largest portion when the food is available, instead they will consume foods with unbalanced proportions and very low nutritional value, 3) the new knowledge they get from this socialization is that the pattern of food consumption must vary in proportions that fit the proper nutritional adequacy.

Keywords: Nutrition consumption, balanced nutrition, nasipanaf community

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