Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Power Point, Wonder Share Quiz Creator Dan Edmodo Di SMK APIPSU Medan

Adi Widarma, Khairul Saleh


The presence of information technology has been very well approved by the world of education as a center for the development of science and technology and producing quality human resources. In this era of globalization, it is necessary to synergize the mastery of science and technology to increase self-competence so that quality Indonesian human resources can be implemented. Science and Technology must be owned by educators to be able to easily transfer knowledge for all students specifically to the teachers at SMK APIPSU Medan. One way to improve teacher human resources is to provide training on how to create learning media using power points, Wondershare Quiz Creator and Edmodo to facilitate the learning process. The process of this community service activity is that teachers at the APIPSU Medan Vocational School were drilled to create teaching materials using Power Point, create questions or quizzes using Wondershare Quiz Creator software and the results will be uploaded through online learning media such as Edmodo application. Using this Edmodo application helps in the learning process because teachers can give assignments, give grades easily. And also the teachers and students can discuss each other through virtual classrooms.


Keywordshuman resource improvement, powerpoint training, wondesshare quiz creator, edmodo.

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