Ketenagakerjaan Dalam Institusi Organisasi Masyarakat (Ormas) Muhammadiyah Kramatjati

Marjan Miharja


In carrying out the employment relationship between employers and workers the employer prefers the contract work system to his workers compared to permanent workers. The reason is because the workers have an indefinite time work agreement or permanent workers, the employer obtains is unprofitable, such as the existence of statutory provisions concerning wages , welfare, periodic wage increases, social benefits, and rest days or leave. In this study using normative juridical research methods. The normative juridical research method is a study of the principles of positive law written in legislation. Based on the discussion that the author has described, it can be concluded first, the Principle of Manpower in a Specific Time Work Agreement is only obtained by one party, namely the employer, the application of a Specific Time Work Agreement is not in accordance with the main purpose of the establishment of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 Year 2003 regarding Manpower, namely to guarantee the basic rights of workers / laborers and guarantee equal opportunities and treatment without

discrimination on any basis to realize the welfare of workers / laborers and their families while still taking into account the progress of the business world. everyone generally expects a permanent job that can provide a steady and sufficient income to meet their basic needs. suggestion. First, for the government to contribute more to workers / laborers, namely by issuing stricter rules and providing more protection to workers / laborers, and that the government, especially the Manpower Office, be more stringent in supervising companies especially in the application of the Time Work Agreement Certain. Second, the judge here is more concerned with the interests of workers / workers in dispute. So that later what will be obtained from the decision for the workers / workers can be obtained to the maximum and can also be felt benefits for all parties.

Keywords : Benefit Principle, PKWT, UU Employment


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